Our 2 to 3 year old room also known as the Purple room. This is a bright and stimulating environment which enables our children to release their adventurous sides.
Here, children are encouraged and supported to be independent from washing hands to eating, potty training and using the toilets successfully. There is a lot of language in this room and staff support this by providing children with more vocabulary through reading. . In the Nursery’s room the staff aim to help the children become more independent by allowing them the freedom to choose and lead in activities and to stimulate their senses further. There is a wide range of age appropriate toys and resources and the children are encouraged through wide range of pre-planned activities with the aim of following their lead and staff responding to their developing skills and abilities. Here in our nursery’ room, we also encourage the children to take part in physical activities be it outdoor or indoor through music and movement and action games as well as range of construction materials in order for the child to extend their fine motor skills.
Children have direct access to toilets and hand washing facilities. They are taught how to learn to use the toilets and personal hygiene care.